Friday, March 27, 2009

Your Hormonal Lifeline

It amazes me how I managed to reach menopause without giving it any thought. I suppose most of us are in denial. I mean when we think "menopause" we think "older" and like most women aging is something I'm trying to put off as long as possible. So this whole thing got me thinking that if we looked at menopause as just a part of our hormonal lifeline then perhaps we couldhandle it in a more positive way.

I mean, just look at the daffodils - a women's lifeline is all about balancing hormones and when she is in full bloom, everything is well in the hormonal garden. Just a little fertilizer to get you through those hot flashes!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Is It Menopause or Is It Aging?

That's a question that many doctors are trying to answer. Many menopause symptoms such as weight gain and forgetfulness are often more age related, and both aging and menopause can contribute to an increased risk of osteoporosis. Even night sweats could be caused by a thyroid condition. More information on this topic from the North American Menopause Society can be found here.

Health conditions can also trigger a recurrence of menopause symptoms. I have had rheumatoid arthritis for 21 years and for the past 19 have been in remission, thankfully. I'm always very vigilant about keeping flare ups under control, but last November one got the better of me and I have been going through a full blown flare up for the past several months. What was totally unexpected was that the inflammation triggered hot flashes. Can't tell you how depressing that was. Chronic arthritis pain that kept me from sleeping, then hot flashes on top of that.

I finally went for acupuncture treatments and part of the treatment was a total review of what I eat and drink. Two red flags were coffee and wheat. I remember when my hot flashes were at their peak I was told the same thing. Anyway, apparently these two things are huge inflammation triggers and the increased inflammation was then triggering a return of the hot flashes. Vicious cycle, which was easily broken by giving up coffee and wheat. Within a week the pain was subsiding and so were the hot flashes. Four weeks later I have it under control and still avoid coffee and wheat because the side effect of that has been weight loss - always a good thing.

So, if you are trying to handle health issues as well as menopause make sure your health care practitioner is asking you the right questions and take a good look at what you are consuming, some simple diet adjustments may pay dividends.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Patching Up Your Libido? Not So Fast

A dip in your sex drive is an unfortunately common occurrence in menopause. Like everything that goes awry during this time it seems, it is linked to a drop in certain hormones. This has prompted drug companies to develop testosterone patches as a way to combat low libido. But news is out today that questions such treatment's effectiveness as well as long term safety. The treatment is not approved in the U.S. out of concern over lack of evidence on safe long term use.

While it may be tempting to chuckle at sex-talk, it is no laughing matter if 'gettin' busy' makes a hasty exit after menopause. This is a quality of life issue, something that makes us human, alive and feminine. To get a bit of 'kick' back in your game, talk with your doctor, who may have some treatment that you feel comfortable with. There are a number of natural alternatives on the market that you can discuss with your doctor or integrative health professional.

Basically, there is absolutely no reason why a woman can't stay vital, alive and active - both in an out of the bedroom - after 'the change.' Its just that testosterone patches may not be the solution hoped for.