Friday, February 20, 2009

More Unsettling News on Drug Treatments

Well, just when things seemed to be looking up for menopausal women with all the positive media coverage on treatment options, this story comes out. Studies have now found that use of the menopausal drug Livial ups the chances for the recurrence of breast cancer. Certainly, the data is more than just a little unsettling for those whose menopausal symptoms are a result of breast cancer treatment, as well as for women at large.

Every woman must navigate the difficult waters of finding the best menopausal treatments for herself. Prescription drugs, bio identical hormones, plant extracts, exercise, yoga - the list goes on and on. But there have been many studies that validate more 'natural' treatments. Take this finding that acupuncture outperformed a common non-hormonal drug used to treat hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms.

Just keep searching for the best and safest treatments - for you. And keep checking back at Change Menopause! for updates on all your options.