Monday, July 27, 2009

Frequent Hot Flashes Linked to Lower Bone Density

Does feeling truly 'hot and bothered' occur on a daily basis for you? If it is due to hot flashes rather than the latest picture of Hugh Jackman, beware your bones. As reported on in the July/August 09 issue of Health magazine, a recent study found that women of any age who experience frequent hot flashes and night sweats run a greater risk of osteoporosis. If this sounds like you, talk with your doctor about ways to increase bone density.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Volunteers Wanted for Dark Chocolate Health Trial

As reported in, you might be eligible to participate in this great study. Why so great? Because it is testing the benefits of CHOCOLATE! The stuff has already been found to be beneficial in other health areas, why not test heart health?

from July 23, 2009

A study with dark chocolate is recruiting 40 post-menopausal women with type-2 diabetes to test the heart health potential of a super-strength specially formulated chocolate.

The study, described as “pioneering”, is being run by the University of East Anglia and diabetes specialists at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, and is exploring the potential of the chocolate’s flavonoid compounds to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Diabetes UK is funding the study, which is looking for new volunteers under the age of 76 and with type-2 diabetes. As part of the study, participants will be required to eat a small amount of chocolate everyday (two 13.5g pieces) for one year and have their risk of heart disease tested on five occasions to see whether changes occurs.

Potential volunteers may email

Friday, July 10, 2009

Free Webinar on Bioidenticals

That's right. A free, yes free Buzz on Bioidenticals webinar will be held Tuesday, August 4 at 9pm ET/8pm CT/7pm MT/6pm PT. All are invited - women and healthcare professionals alike. Developed by The Female Patient, the Red Hot Mamas, and Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD, the webinar will focus on common misunderstandings about menopause hormone therapy. Click here for more details.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

NY Times: Seeking Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes

Nice little write up today in the New York Times - in the fashion section no less! - about natural remedies for weight gain, hot flashes, and all those other horrid symptoms of menopause. Also, great visual overview of common botanical ingredients.

Give it a read and let us know what you think.