Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Starting a Different Conversation

Getting a grip on menopause is like trying to keep up with technology. Just when you think you have a handle on it, something new comes along.

That’s why conversations are so important. Whether they are between you and your health advisor, your significant other, your best friend or another multi-symptom, mood-swinging, brain-fogged, sleep-derived, cranky as in “rip your head off if you even look at me wrong” menopause maven, you need to keep talking.

Change doesn’t happen overnight. President Obama is finding that out, so why would we expect anything to change on the menopause front if we don’t push for change. Now, I really don’t know what kind of change I would like to see, except that I do believe menopause is part of a women's hormonal lifeline and should be part of the bigger picture of hormone health. Hormones wreck havoc on us all throughout our lives and unless we can get some kind of hormonal balance going on here, nothing about menopause is going to change. That was the focus of a webinar presentation I was involved in last week: Menopausal Women. Treating the Symptoms and Marketing Strategies. Trying to move the conversation to address hormones throughout our lives and to look at developing products that could address hormone health and the various symptoms that being out of hormonal balance creates.

Speaking of balance, check out

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