Thursday, October 29, 2009
Great Article on, eh-hem, Female Troubles
But you can sooth that inner itch through are natural means, according to a Natural Solutions article Yeast Infection Protection. These include taking supplements like probiotics, Pau d'arco, garlic, caprylic acid and berberine. Read more in the Nov/Dec 09 issue on newsstands now, or check out this earlier article Winning the Yeast Infection War.
Friday, August 21, 2009
So That's What's Behind That Belly Bulge!
Well, I'm glad we cleared that up. Glad its not due to my chocolate eating!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Frequent Hot Flashes Linked to Lower Bone Density
Friday, July 24, 2009
Volunteers Wanted for Dark Chocolate Health Trial

from July 23, 2009
A study with dark chocolate is recruiting 40 post-menopausal women with type-2 diabetes to test the heart health potential of a super-strength specially formulated chocolate.
The study, described as “pioneering”, is being run by the University of East Anglia and diabetes specialists at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, and is exploring the potential of the chocolate’s flavonoid compounds to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Diabetes UK is funding the study, which is looking for new volunteers under the age of 76 and with type-2 diabetes. As part of the study, participants will be required to eat a small amount of chocolate everyday (two 13.5g pieces) for one year and have their risk of heart disease tested on five occasions to see whether changes occurs.
Potential volunteers may email
Friday, July 10, 2009
Free Webinar on Bioidenticals
Thursday, July 2, 2009
NY Times: Seeking Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes

Nice little write up today in the New York Times - in the fashion section no less! - about natural remedies for weight gain, hot flashes, and all those other horrid symptoms of menopause. Also, great visual overview of common botanical ingredients.
Give it a read and let us know what you think.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Janice Dickinson Goes All Menopausal... and Who Can Blame Her?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Media Begins to Mention Menopause
But its changing. The recent Newsweek featuring Oprah and now this interesting post on Huffington Post means that mainstream media is examining the latest menopause treatment crazes. And while you may disagree with the slant of a certain article or blog post, at least with more information available you'll be able to make more informed choices about your medical options.
So I say, keep up the controversy, please. Its about time women of a 'certain age' got a little somethin' somethin' from the media.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Hot Flash Humor
It really is all in the attitude, isn't it?
Friday, June 5, 2009
Brain Wind-Down Temporary, Find Researchers

Friday, May 15, 2009
The Waste of a Waistline
Waistlines are wasted on the young. After menopause, that teensy little waist just disappears. I feel like I used to have a hour glass figure, now it just looks like a water glass - straight up and down.
Menopause brings many changes, and one of the most frustrating is what happens to our figures. There was a great segment on CBS News about this the other night, and ways you can address the, um, thickening that happens during menopause. Yes, that would entail exercise, but dancing the night away does look enticing. Perhaps exercise isn't so bad in the Dancing with the Stars age, huh?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Hormone Imbalance Not Just For a Few
Glad to know there are some insightful reporters out there covering menopause and other hormonal issues.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Wall Street Journal Op-Ed on Bioidentical Hormones
Perhaps equally as interesting as the content of the piece is that major financial media outlets like the WSJ are paying attention to menopause. Yes, there is money to be made here, yes women are worthy of investing in, yes women deserve - and will spend money on - quality treatments. Financiers, take note. Menopause is a worthy investment.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Your Hormonal Lifeline

I mean, just look at the daffodils - a women's lifeline is all about balancing hormones and when she is in full bloom, everything is well in the hormonal garden. Just a little fertilizer to get you through those hot flashes!!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Is It Menopause or Is It Aging?
Health conditions can also trigger a recurrence of menopause symptoms. I have had rheumatoid arthritis for 21 years and for the past 19 have been in remission, thankfully. I'm always very vigilant about keeping flare ups under control, but last November one got the better of me and I have been going through a full blown flare up for the past several months. What was totally unexpected was that the inflammation triggered hot flashes. Can't tell you how depressing that was. Chronic arthritis pain that kept me from sleeping, then hot flashes on top of that.
I finally went for acupuncture treatments and part of the treatment was a total review of what I eat and drink. Two red flags were coffee and wheat. I remember when my hot flashes were at their peak I was told the same thing. Anyway, apparently these two things are huge inflammation triggers and the increased inflammation was then triggering a return of the hot flashes. Vicious cycle, which was easily broken by giving up coffee and wheat. Within a week the pain was subsiding and so were the hot flashes. Four weeks later I have it under control and still avoid coffee and wheat because the side effect of that has been weight loss - always a good thing.
So, if you are trying to handle health issues as well as menopause make sure your health care practitioner is asking you the right questions and take a good look at what you are consuming, some simple diet adjustments may pay dividends.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Patching Up Your Libido? Not So Fast
While it may be tempting to chuckle at sex-talk, it is no laughing matter if 'gettin' busy' makes a hasty exit after menopause. This is a quality of life issue, something that makes us human, alive and feminine. To get a bit of 'kick' back in your game, talk with your doctor, who may have some treatment that you feel comfortable with. There are a number of natural alternatives on the market that you can discuss with your doctor or integrative health professional.
Basically, there is absolutely no reason why a woman can't stay vital, alive and active - both in an out of the bedroom - after 'the change.' Its just that testosterone patches may not be the solution hoped for.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Early Menopause Doubles Risk of Stroke
The findings are statistically significant and, of course, more than a little disturbing. It is yet another bit of information on the way that menopause affects overall health. Let's hope more research is done to uncover ways to lessen the susceptibility of stroke for all women, but especially those at increased risk.
Friday, February 20, 2009
More Unsettling News on Drug Treatments
Every woman must navigate the difficult waters of finding the best menopausal treatments for herself. Prescription drugs, bio identical hormones, plant extracts, exercise, yoga - the list goes on and on. But there have been many studies that validate more 'natural' treatments. Take this finding that acupuncture outperformed a common non-hormonal drug used to treat hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms.
Just keep searching for the best and safest treatments - for you. And keep checking back at Change Menopause! for updates on all your options.
Monday, February 9, 2009
The 'Oprah' Effect on Menopause
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Starting a Different Conversation
That’s why conversations are so important. Whether they are between you and your health advisor, your significant other, your best friend or another multi-symptom, mood-swinging, brain-fogged, sleep-derived, cranky as in “rip your head off if you even look at me wrong” menopause maven, you need to keep talking.
Change doesn’t happen overnight. President Obama is finding that out, so why would we expect anything to change on the menopause front if we don’t push for change. Now, I really don’t know what kind of change I would like to see, except that I do believe menopause is part of a women's hormonal lifeline and should be part of the bigger picture of hormone health. Hormones wreck havoc on us all throughout our lives and unless we can get some kind of hormonal balance going on here, nothing about menopause is going to change. That was the focus of a webinar presentation I was involved in last week: Menopausal Women. Treating the Symptoms and Marketing Strategies. Trying to move the conversation to address hormones throughout our lives and to look at developing products that could address hormone health and the various symptoms that being out of hormonal balance creates.
Speaking of balance, check out
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Omega 3s and Menopause-Good News?
Monday, January 26, 2009
So, She Doesn't Have Hot Flashes!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
As if Menopause Wasn't Bad Enough, now HRT Shrinks Your Brain!
Look, treating menopause is a personal decision, but please be well informed before you do anything. I was told over and over again I needed a hysterectomy, only to find that different, all natural treatments could help me. But that took alot of research and a lot of time. But it was well worth it.
Read the article and tell me what YOU think about it!
They're Baaaack!
What Menopause Should Look Like
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ChangeMenopause! is your space to protest, lament, let off steam and, quite frankly, bitch about 'the Change'!